We will all be stars

Had a funny notion about reincarnation the other night as I was trying to fall asleep.  What if we reincarnated, but some of us reincarnated into something other than humans or animals?  What if we became a different form of life altogether?

What if we reincarnated into glowing hot balls of magma?  Some of us, less evolved than others, become planets, our inner light covered by a shell meant to protect us from the cold of space, but only keeping us from communicating from the stars and the sun.  Still able to hear them, but not speak back.  While others brave the cold and become suns, in themselves sufficient to produce heat.  And the aim of all of this is life.  For the planets to support life, for the stars to heat the planets.  And some stars go wrong and become black holes, sucking in all of the energy instead of emitting it, while others take the opposite route and output more than their share.  And the ultimate end for a star is not to die out, but to go supernova, and for that massive explosion of energy to fuel yet another transformation, this time from star to universe as another Big Bang occurs.  And nurture and grow even more life.